Tuesday 18 December 2012


           Based on our learning in the Instructional Technology subject (EDT 1303), we had learnt a lot of things in skills. There are also assessment and suggestions from the learning of this subject. Other than that, there are also three learning theories that include in this subject such as behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism.

            From the learning through this subject, we got a lot of skills such as skills in editing pictures, skills in crop and move the cropped picture and skills in making banner by using Adobe Photoshop CS3. We also learned how to make a video through Windows Movie Maker and Windows Life Movie Maker by importing pictures, music and many more. All of these skills are quite difficult for us to learn and use at the first time. But, it is not a big problem for us because we can learn it many times until we manage to use it successfully in the future.

            Besides that, for the assessment, we were very satisfied with the learning of this subject and we enjoyed learning all of these useful knowledge and skills. Although the tasks that are given to us were quite tough, but actually, it trained us to gain many experiences as we can while we are studying. We hope that everything we learned from the beginning period of study can be used for the good purpose in the future. In shaa Allah.

            Furthermore, we have one suggestion. We really hope that the teaching will not be too fast in the future because sometimes when lecturer or teacher speak too fast, the students couldn’t manage to understand the subject clearly. Only sometimes and not all the times. Hehe.

            Other than that, in this subject,our instructor used three learning theories. First, behaviourism. It is because sometimes when teaching us, she will asked us to recall back what we have learned in the past few weeks topics, we need to define some concepts and apply it in our assignments and daily activities. This learning theory works in the same way as the second theory which is cognitivism. It include our cognitive thinking in solving problems and more psychologically oriented to understanding. Lastly, constructivism. In this subject, we learned that by reflecting our own experiences, we construct our own understanding of some topics or the world we live in. Thank you. 




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